Happy Birthday, Grandma
My maternal grandmother, Emma Bell Lane, was the last baby born to David W. and Callie Sawyer Lane in Crawfordsville, Arkansas, on February 9, 1898. She was baby sister to Elmer and Frankie. She would be 121 years old today, and my great grandmother, her mother, passed 119 years ago yesterday and was buried the next, on my grandmother’s second birthday. The following letter was handwritten by her father, my great grandfather, to his sister and brother-in-law, T.S. (Tom) and Minerva (Minnie) Frizzell, during a devastating period in his life. I have left spelling and punctuation as accurate and true to his hand as possible:
Crawfordville Ark 3=11=1900
Dear Sister.
I will Drop you A few Line this lonesome Sabeth day to Let you all nowe I and my Dear Little Babby is well. But Dear Sister & Brother My Joys in Life is few for My Dear Callie Sleeps in her Grave one month and 3 Day and iff it was not for my Dear Children I Could Go and Rest at Her Side to Day and Be Happy. I can not Ever be as I have Bin when She was here to Comfort Me for Dear Sister iff there was Ever a man that Loved his Dear Wife God in Heaven nowes I Did. But the fangs of Death Came in my House 8 day of Febuary 1900 and took a one that was So Dear to me. But I am going to keep My Dear Babby with Me iff I hafto work at night to Saport them. I will have a kind womin here to Call for them To Morrow. But one thing I ask of you & Tom iff I am Called to Leav my Children By Death I want you to See a Bout Them and get homes for Them. Well Dear Sister & Brother I got your Kind Letter a few Day a go But was So Busey at work Could not anser till To Day. Well thought I had brought My Babby Name to you. I will give you Names and Ages So you will Now My Little Boy name is Elmer Earl he is 7 yeres old 28 day of this Coming April. My Littell Girl Name is Alma Frank. She was 4 years 19 day of Last September and my Litte Babby Girl was 2 years old The Day Dear Callie was Berried. Her Name Emma Bell. Well I will Close.
Wright Soon. Your Dear Brother in Sorrow.
David W. Lane
P.S. well I will Tell you what I am doing. I am Sawing an Scroll Saw for the Goodmin Shingel Co. They pay me $3.00 a day.
D. L.
Every time I read this letter, I am overcome with grief for my great grandfather’s broken heart and for the loss and confusion his three small children must have experienced. At the same time, I feel such pride in his strength and devotion to his family. My grandmother was also kidnapped as a baby by an old woman who possibly looked after the children–I suppose it could have been the kind woman referenced in the letter. If she was indeed kind, what was she thinking when she took my grandmother? Grandma was safely recovered. The children eventually did end up being raised by his sister and brother-in-law he wrote to. The letter serves as a brief glimpse of my grandmother’s early beginnings. She lived 97 years, had twelve children, 22 grandchildren, a multitude of greats and lived over 30 years without the only husband she ever had. This spunky little woman was slight in stature, but that was the only thing slight about her (besides her last name). She had a hard life, an amazing heart, and incredible wisdom. She is still missed and loved by those who knew her. Happy Birthday, Grandma Short!

Loved it! I have a great-great grandma Short, who had 12 children, as well. I was picturing her as I read. Circumstances were incredibly harsh back then.
That is amazing! You must tell me more about your family. Maybe we are related.
Guylene Peebels
That’s so sad and so sweet. Great story Carla.
It breaks my heart, even though I lived the end of her story. I’m so glad my great grandfather wrote this and copies still exist!
Joanne Kirkland
Thank you so much for sharing this heart wrenching but beautiful letter and story. It sounds like your grandmother was firm foundation of love and resilience for you all.
Yes Joanne, we are all better for knowing her and having been loved by her! She was something.
So sad,yet very encouraging!
Yes, I’m glad you think so. Thank you for commenting.
Beautiful. Well written love it. Thank you so much.
Thank you. She was an amazing woman.